Privacy Policy

We take the privacy of our users and the security of the information they share or collect with us very seriously. As a website that relies on providing software as a service (SaaS), we are committed to keeping our privacy policy simple, easy, and quick to read and understand. By registering or visiting our website or platform, the user automatically agrees to this privacy policy, along with the terms mentioned on the usage page and any future updates or modifications.

The site administration is committed, within the limits of the law, not to disclose any personal information of subscribers, such as name, email address, and others. This information is not exchanged, traded, or sold to any other party, and is only accessed by qualified and professional people responsible for the platform.


The user acknowledges that he/she is solely responsible for his/her use of the platform and the platform administration is exempt to the fullest extent permitted by law from any losses, damages, expenses, or costs incurred by the user as a result of his/her use of the platform.

Cases of service interruption, oversight, and error in the platform:

The platform administration makes every effort to maintain the continuity of the service and product without problems, however, errors and service interruptions may occur for reasons beyond our control. In such cases, we ask users to be patient until the service is restored to its normal state.

Subscriber Account, Password, and Information Security:

The subscriber chooses a password for his/her account and is responsible for protecting it. The subscriber is responsible for the content of his/her posts and undertakes not to publish illegal or unethical content. Information deleted by users is not retained. The platform may not be used for political purposes or to attack countries or groups.

Information Collected:

We collect information on the platform to communicate and send alerts about the product and service. User information is stored securely and unnecessary information is deleted.


Cookies are used to improve the user experience. Cookies can be disabled in the browser settings, but this may cause some features of the site to stop working.

Payment Data:

Subscription fees can be paid by credit card, but we do not store this data.

User Rights Regarding His/Her Data:

The user has the right to obtain a file exported from the personal data and to request the deletion of any personal data.

Privacy Policy Amendment:

We reserve the right to amend the privacy policy and inform subscribers through the available communication channels.